Redmond's Community Orchestra

Employer match? If your employer matches employee giving, please submit a matching gift request when you make your donation.

Attendance: We expect players to attend all rehearsals. If you are going to miss a rehearsal, please indicate as early as possible on the attendance spreadsheet, link on the Symphony Library. Principal players are expected to ensure their parts are covered for every rehearsal.



If you prefer, you can write a check, payable to Eastside Symphony, and submit it to Dayna Hall.

Eastside Symphony Library: For each concert, please print your own parts. 

Rehearsals for the 2024-2025 season run every Thursday evening (7:30-9:30, Redmond High School band room) from:

  • September 5 through December 5, skipping November 28
  • January 9 through May 8, skipping February 13 and April 17


Every year we incur expenses in renting the performance hall and rehearsal space, purchasing and renting music, etc., and we encourage you to help if you can. $40 per quarter, or $120 per year, is the suggested amount, but donations in any amount are gladly accepted and completely voluntary.


At the start of each concert season, please fill out one of the following: